// This file is part of OpenTSDB. // Copyright (C) 2010-2012 The OpenTSDB Authors. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your // option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it // will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser // General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy // of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, // see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. package tsd.client; /* * DISCLAIMER * This my first GWT code ever, so it's most likely horribly wrong as I've had * virtually no exposure to the technology except through the tutorial. --tsuna */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.DomEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ErrorEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ErrorHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.LoadEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.LoadHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseDownEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseDownHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseMoveEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseMoveHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseUpEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.MouseUpHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.BeforeSelectionEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.BeforeSelectionHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.ValueChangeEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.ValueChangeHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.shared.EventHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.shared.HandlerRegistration; import com.google.gwt.http.client.Request; import com.google.gwt.http.client.RequestBuilder; import com.google.gwt.http.client.RequestCallback; import com.google.gwt.http.client.RequestException; import com.google.gwt.http.client.Response; import com.google.gwt.http.client.URL; import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.DateTimeFormat; import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONArray; import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONNumber; import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONObject; import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONParser; import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONString; import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONValue; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.user.client.History; import com.google.gwt.user.client.HistoryListener; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.AbsolutePanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Anchor; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.CheckBox; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.DecoratedTabPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.DecoratorPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.DisclosurePanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.FlexTable; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Grid; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HorizontalPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Image; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.InlineLabel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Label; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RadioButton; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.TextBox; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.VerticalPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget; /** * Root class for the 'query UI'. * Manages the entire UI, forms to query the TSDB and other misc panels. */ public class QueryUi implements EntryPoint, HistoryListener { // Some URLs we use to fetch data from the TSD. private static final String AGGREGATORS_URL = "/aggregators"; private static final String LOGS_URL = "/logs?json"; private static final String STATS_URL = "/stats?json"; private static final String VERSION_URL = "/version?json"; private static final DateTimeFormat FULLDATE = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss"); private final Label current_error = new Label(); private final DateTimeBox start_datebox = new DateTimeBox(); private final DateTimeBox end_datebox = new DateTimeBox(); private final CheckBox autoreload = new CheckBox("Autoreload"); private final ValidatedTextBox autoreoload_interval = new ValidatedTextBox(); private Timer autoreoload_timer; private final ValidatedTextBox yrange = new ValidatedTextBox(); private final ValidatedTextBox y2range = new ValidatedTextBox(); private final CheckBox ylog = new CheckBox(); private final CheckBox y2log = new CheckBox(); private final TextBox ylabel = new TextBox(); private final TextBox y2label = new TextBox(); private final ValidatedTextBox yformat = new ValidatedTextBox(); private final ValidatedTextBox y2format = new ValidatedTextBox(); private final ValidatedTextBox wxh = new ValidatedTextBox(); private String keypos = ""; // Position of the key on the graph. private final CheckBox horizontalkey = new CheckBox("Horizontal layout"); private final CheckBox keybox = new CheckBox("Box"); private final CheckBox nokey = new CheckBox("No key (overrides others)"); // Styling options. private final CheckBox smooth = new CheckBox(); /** * Handles every change to the query form and gets a new graph. * Whenever the user changes one of the parameters of the graph, we want * to automatically get a new graph. */ private final EventsHandler refreshgraph = new EventsHandler() { protected <H extends EventHandler> void onEvent(final DomEvent<H> event) { refreshGraph(); } }; final MetricForm.MetricChangeHandler metric_change_handler = new MetricForm.MetricChangeHandler() { public void onMetricChange(final MetricForm metric) { final int index = metrics.getWidgetIndex(metric); metrics.getTabBar().setTabText(index, getTabTitle(metric)); } private String getTabTitle(final MetricForm metric) { final String metrictext = metric.getMetric(); final int last_period = metrictext.lastIndexOf('.'); if (last_period < 0) { return metrictext; } return metrictext.substring(last_period + 1); } }; final EventsHandler updatey2range = new EventsHandler() { protected <H extends EventHandler> void onEvent(final DomEvent<H> event) { for (final Widget metric : metrics) { if (!(metric instanceof MetricForm)) { continue; } if (((MetricForm) metric).x1y2().getValue()) { y2range.setEnabled(true); y2log.setEnabled(true); y2label.setEnabled(true); y2format.setEnabled(true); return; } } y2range.setEnabled(false); y2log.setEnabled(false); y2label.setEnabled(false); y2format.setEnabled(false); } }; /** List of known aggregation functions. Fetched once from the server. */ private final ArrayList<String> aggregators = new ArrayList<String>(); private final DecoratedTabPanel metrics = new DecoratedTabPanel(); /** Panel to place generated graphs and a box for zoom highlighting. */ private final AbsolutePanel graphbox = new AbsolutePanel(); private final Image graph = new Image(); private final ZoomBox zoom_box = new ZoomBox(); private final Label graphstatus = new Label(); /** Remember the last URI requested to avoid requesting twice the same. */ private String lastgraphuri; /** * We only send one request at a time, how many have we not sent yet?. * Note that we don't buffer pending requests. When there are multiple * ones pending, we will only execute the last one and discard the other * intermediate ones, since the user is no longer interested in them. */ private int pending_requests = 0; /** How many graph requests we make. */ private int nrequests = 0; // Other misc panels. private final FlexTable logs = new FlexTable(); private final FlexTable stats_table = new FlexTable(); private final HTML build_data = new HTML("Loading..."); /** * This is the entry point method. */ public void onModuleLoad() { asyncGetJson(AGGREGATORS_URL, new GotJsonCallback() { public void got(final JSONValue json) { // Do we need more manual type checking? Not sure what will happen // in the browser if something other than an array is returned. final JSONArray aggs = json.isArray(); for (int i = 0; i < aggs.size(); i++) { aggregators.add(aggs.get(i).isString().stringValue()); } ((MetricForm) metrics.getWidget(0)).setAggregators(aggregators); refreshFromQueryString(); refreshGraph(); } }); // All UI elements need to regenerate the graph when changed. { final ValueChangeHandler<Date> vch = new ValueChangeHandler<Date>() { public void onValueChange(final ValueChangeEvent<Date> event) { refreshGraph(); } }; TextBox tb = start_datebox.getTextBox(); tb.addBlurHandler(refreshgraph); tb.addKeyPressHandler(refreshgraph); start_datebox.addValueChangeHandler(vch); tb = end_datebox.getTextBox(); tb.addBlurHandler(refreshgraph); tb.addKeyPressHandler(refreshgraph); end_datebox.addValueChangeHandler(vch); } autoreoload_interval.addBlurHandler(refreshgraph); autoreoload_interval.addKeyPressHandler(refreshgraph); yrange.addBlurHandler(refreshgraph); yrange.addKeyPressHandler(refreshgraph); y2range.addBlurHandler(refreshgraph); y2range.addKeyPressHandler(refreshgraph); ylog.addClickHandler(new AdjustYRangeCheckOnClick(ylog, yrange)); y2log.addClickHandler(new AdjustYRangeCheckOnClick(y2log, y2range)); ylog.addClickHandler(refreshgraph); y2log.addClickHandler(refreshgraph); ylabel.addBlurHandler(refreshgraph); ylabel.addKeyPressHandler(refreshgraph); y2label.addBlurHandler(refreshgraph); y2label.addKeyPressHandler(refreshgraph); yformat.addBlurHandler(refreshgraph); yformat.addKeyPressHandler(refreshgraph); y2format.addBlurHandler(refreshgraph); y2format.addKeyPressHandler(refreshgraph); wxh.addBlurHandler(refreshgraph); wxh.addKeyPressHandler(refreshgraph); horizontalkey.addClickHandler(refreshgraph); keybox.addClickHandler(refreshgraph); nokey.addClickHandler(refreshgraph); smooth.addClickHandler(refreshgraph); yrange.setValidationRegexp("^(" // Nothing or + "|\\[([-+.0-9eE]+|\\*)?" // "[start + ":([-+.0-9eE]+|\\*)?\\])$"); // :end]" yrange.setVisibleLength(5); yrange.setMaxLength(44); // MAX=2^26=20 chars: "[-$MAX:$MAX]" yrange.setText("[0:]"); y2range.setValidationRegexp("^(" // Nothing or + "|\\[([-+.0-9eE]+|\\*)?" // "[start + ":([-+.0-9eE]+|\\*)?\\])$"); // :end]" y2range.setVisibleLength(5); y2range.setMaxLength(44); // MAX=2^26=20 chars: "[-$MAX:$MAX]" y2range.setText("[0:]"); y2range.setEnabled(false); y2log.setEnabled(false); ylabel.setVisibleLength(10); ylabel.setMaxLength(50); // Arbitrary limit. y2label.setVisibleLength(10); y2label.setMaxLength(50); // Arbitrary limit. y2label.setEnabled(false); yformat.setValidationRegexp("^(|.*%..*)$"); // Nothing or at least one %? yformat.setVisibleLength(10); yformat.setMaxLength(16); // Arbitrary limit. y2format.setValidationRegexp("^(|.*%..*)$"); // Nothing or at least one %? y2format.setVisibleLength(10); y2format.setMaxLength(16); // Arbitrary limit. y2format.setEnabled(false); wxh.setValidationRegexp("^[1-9][0-9]{2,}x[1-9][0-9]{2,}$"); // 100x100 wxh.setVisibleLength(9); wxh.setMaxLength(11); // 99999x99999 wxh.setText((Window.getClientWidth() - 20) + "x" + (Window.getClientHeight() * 4 / 5)); final FlexTable table = new FlexTable(); table.setText(0, 0, "From"); { final HorizontalPanel hbox = new HorizontalPanel(); hbox.add(new InlineLabel("To")); final Anchor now = new Anchor("(now)"); now.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { end_datebox.setValue(new Date()); refreshGraph(); } }); hbox.add(now); hbox.add(autoreload); hbox.setWidth("100%"); table.setWidget(0, 1, hbox); } autoreload.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { @Override public void onValueChange(final ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { if (autoreload.getValue()) { final HorizontalPanel hbox = new HorizontalPanel(); hbox.setWidth("100%"); hbox.add(new InlineLabel("Every:")); hbox.add(autoreoload_interval); hbox.add(new InlineLabel("seconds")); table.setWidget(1, 1, hbox); if (autoreoload_interval.getValue().isEmpty()) { autoreoload_interval.setValue("15"); } autoreoload_interval.setFocus(true); lastgraphuri = ""; // Force refreshGraph. refreshGraph(); // Trigger the 1st auto-reload } else { table.setWidget(1, 1, end_datebox); } } }); autoreoload_interval.setValidationRegexp("^([5-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)$"); // >=5s autoreoload_interval.setMaxLength(4); autoreoload_interval.setVisibleLength(8); table.setWidget(1, 0, start_datebox); table.setWidget(1, 1, end_datebox); { final HorizontalPanel hbox = new HorizontalPanel(); hbox.add(new InlineLabel("WxH:")); hbox.add(wxh); table.setWidget(0, 3, hbox); } { addMetricForm("metric 1", 0); metrics.selectTab(0); metrics.add(new InlineLabel("Loading..."), "+"); metrics.addBeforeSelectionHandler(new BeforeSelectionHandler<Integer>() { public void onBeforeSelection(final BeforeSelectionEvent<Integer> event) { final int item = event.getItem(); final int nitems = metrics.getWidgetCount(); if (item == nitems - 1) { // Last item: the "+" was clicked. event.cancel(); final MetricForm metric = addMetricForm("metric " + nitems, item); metrics.selectTab(item); metric.setFocus(true); } } }); table.setWidget(2, 0, metrics); } table.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(2, 0, 2); table.getFlexCellFormatter().setRowSpan(1, 3, 2); final DecoratedTabPanel optpanel = new DecoratedTabPanel(); optpanel.add(makeAxesPanel(), "Axes"); optpanel.add(makeKeyPanel(), "Key"); optpanel.add(makeStylePanel(), "Style"); optpanel.selectTab(0); table.setWidget(1, 3, optpanel); final DecoratorPanel decorator = new DecoratorPanel(); decorator.setWidget(table); final VerticalPanel graphpanel = new VerticalPanel(); graphpanel.add(decorator); { final VerticalPanel graphvbox = new VerticalPanel(); graphvbox.add(graphstatus); graph.setVisible(false); // Put the graph image element and the zoombox elements inside the absolute panel graphbox.add(graph, 0, 0); zoom_box.setVisible(false); graphbox.add(zoom_box, 0, 0); graphvbox.add(graphbox); graph.addErrorHandler(new ErrorHandler() { public void onError(final ErrorEvent event) { graphstatus.setText("Oops, failed to load the graph."); } }); graph.addLoadHandler(new LoadHandler() { public void onLoad(final LoadEvent event) { graphbox.setWidth(graph.getWidth() + "px"); graphbox.setHeight(graph.getHeight() + "px"); } }); graphpanel.add(graphvbox); } final DecoratedTabPanel mainpanel = new DecoratedTabPanel(); mainpanel.setWidth("100%"); mainpanel.add(graphpanel, "Graph"); mainpanel.add(stats_table, "Stats"); mainpanel.add(logs, "Logs"); mainpanel.add(build_data, "Version"); mainpanel.selectTab(0); mainpanel.addBeforeSelectionHandler(new BeforeSelectionHandler<Integer>() { public void onBeforeSelection(final BeforeSelectionEvent<Integer> event) { clearError(); final int item = event.getItem(); switch (item) { case 1: refreshStats(); return; case 2: refreshLogs(); return; case 3: refreshVersion(); return; } } }); final VerticalPanel root = new VerticalPanel(); root.setWidth("100%"); root.add(current_error); current_error.setVisible(false); current_error.addStyleName("dateBoxFormatError"); root.add(mainpanel); RootPanel.get("queryuimain").add(root); // Must be done at the end, once all the widgets are attached. ensureSameWidgetSize(optpanel); History.addHistoryListener(this); } @Override public void onHistoryChanged(String historyToken) { refreshFromQueryString(); refreshGraph(); } /** Additional styling options. */ private Grid makeStylePanel() { final Grid grid = new Grid(5, 3); grid.setText(0, 1, "Smooth"); grid.setWidget(0, 2, smooth); return grid; } /** * Builds the panel containing customizations for the axes of the graph. */ private Grid makeAxesPanel() { final Grid grid = new Grid(5, 3); grid.setText(0, 1, "Y"); grid.setText(0, 2, "Y2"); setTextAlignCenter(grid.getRowFormatter().getElement(0)); grid.setText(1, 0, "Label"); grid.setWidget(1, 1, ylabel); grid.setWidget(1, 2, y2label); grid.setText(2, 0, "Format"); grid.setWidget(2, 1, yformat); grid.setWidget(2, 2, y2format); grid.setText(3, 0, "Range"); grid.setWidget(3, 1, yrange); grid.setWidget(3, 2, y2range); grid.setText(4, 0, "Log scale"); grid.setWidget(4, 1, ylog); grid.setWidget(4, 2, y2log); setTextAlignCenter(grid.getCellFormatter().getElement(4, 1)); setTextAlignCenter(grid.getCellFormatter().getElement(4, 2)); return grid; } private MetricForm addMetricForm(final String label, final int item) { final MetricForm metric = new MetricForm(refreshgraph); metric.x1y2().addClickHandler(updatey2range); metric.setMetricChangeHandler(metric_change_handler); metric.setAggregators(aggregators); metrics.insert(metric, label, item); return metric; } private final HashMap<String, RadioButton> keypos_map = new HashMap<String, RadioButton>(17); /** * Small helper to build a radio button used to change the position of the * key of the graph. */ private RadioButton addKeyRadioButton(final Grid grid, final int row, final int col, final String pos) { final RadioButton rb = new RadioButton("keypos"); rb.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { keypos = pos; } }); rb.addClickHandler(refreshgraph); grid.setWidget(row, col, rb); keypos_map.put(pos, rb); return rb; } /** * Builds the panel containing the customizations for the key of the graph. */ private Widget makeKeyPanel() { final Grid grid = new Grid(5, 5); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 0, 0, "out left top"); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 0, 2, "out center top"); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 0, 4, "out right top"); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 1, 1, "top left"); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 1, 2, "top center"); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 1, 3, "top right").setValue(true); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 2, 0, "out center left"); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 2, 1, "center left"); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 2, 2, "center"); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 2, 3, "center right"); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 2, 4, "out center right"); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 3, 1, "bottom left"); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 3, 2, "bottom center"); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 3, 3, "bottom right"); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 4, 0, "out bottom left"); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 4, 2, "out bottom center"); addKeyRadioButton(grid, 4, 4, "out bottom right"); final Grid.CellFormatter cf = grid.getCellFormatter(); cf.getElement(1, 1).getStyle().setProperty("borderLeft", "1px solid #000"); cf.getElement(1, 1).getStyle().setProperty("borderTop", "1px solid #000"); cf.getElement(1, 2).getStyle().setProperty("borderTop", "1px solid #000"); cf.getElement(1, 3).getStyle().setProperty("borderTop", "1px solid #000"); cf.getElement(1, 3).getStyle().setProperty("borderRight", "1px solid #000"); cf.getElement(2, 1).getStyle().setProperty("borderLeft", "1px solid #000"); cf.getElement(2, 3).getStyle().setProperty("borderRight", "1px solid #000"); cf.getElement(3, 1).getStyle().setProperty("borderLeft", "1px solid #000"); cf.getElement(3, 1).getStyle().setProperty("borderBottom", "1px solid #000"); cf.getElement(3, 2).getStyle().setProperty("borderBottom", "1px solid #000"); cf.getElement(3, 3).getStyle().setProperty("borderBottom", "1px solid #000"); cf.getElement(3, 3).getStyle().setProperty("borderRight", "1px solid #000"); final VerticalPanel vbox = new VerticalPanel(); vbox.add(new InlineLabel("Key location:")); vbox.add(grid); vbox.add(horizontalkey); keybox.setValue(true); vbox.add(keybox); vbox.add(nokey); return vbox; } private void refreshStats() { asyncGetJson(STATS_URL, new GotJsonCallback() { public void got(final JSONValue json) { final JSONArray stats = json.isArray(); final int nstats = stats.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nstats; i++) { final String stat = stats.get(i).isString().stringValue(); String part = stat.substring(0, stat.indexOf(' ')); stats_table.setText(i, 0, part); // metric int pos = part.length() + 1; part = stat.substring(pos, stat.indexOf(' ', pos)); stats_table.setText(i, 1, part); // timestamp pos += part.length() + 1; part = stat.substring(pos, stat.indexOf(' ', pos)); stats_table.setText(i, 2, part); // value pos += part.length() + 1; stats_table.setText(i, 3, stat.substring(pos)); // tags } } }); } private void refreshVersion() { asyncGetJson(VERSION_URL, new GotJsonCallback() { public void got(final JSONValue json) { final JSONObject bd = json.isObject(); final JSONString shortrev = bd.get("short_revision").isString(); final JSONString status = bd.get("repo_status").isString(); final JSONNumber stamp = bd.get("timestamp").isNumber(); final JSONString user = bd.get("user").isString(); final JSONString host = bd.get("host").isString(); final JSONString repo = bd.get("repo").isString(); build_data.setHTML( "OpenTSDB built from revision " + shortrev.stringValue() + " in a " + status.stringValue() + " state<br/>" + "Built on " + new Date((long) (stamp.doubleValue() * 1000)) + " by " + user.stringValue() + '@' + host.stringValue() + ':' + repo.stringValue()); } }); } private void refreshLogs() { asyncGetJson(LOGS_URL, new GotJsonCallback() { public void got(final JSONValue json) { final JSONArray logmsgs = json.isArray(); final int nmsgs = logmsgs.size(); final FlexTable.FlexCellFormatter fcf = logs.getFlexCellFormatter(); final FlexTable.RowFormatter rf = logs.getRowFormatter(); for (int i = 0; i < nmsgs; i++) { final String msg = logmsgs.get(i).isString().stringValue(); String part = msg.substring(0, msg.indexOf('\t')); logs.setText(i * 2, 0, new Date(Integer.valueOf(part) * 1000L).toString()); logs.setText(i * 2 + 1, 0, ""); // So we can change the style ahead. int pos = part.length() + 1; part = msg.substring(pos, msg.indexOf('\t', pos)); if ("WARN".equals(part)) { rf.getElement(i * 2).getStyle().setBackgroundColor("#FCC"); rf.getElement(i * 2 + 1).getStyle().setBackgroundColor("#FCC"); } else if ("ERROR".equals(part)) { rf.getElement(i * 2).getStyle().setBackgroundColor("#F99"); rf.getElement(i * 2 + 1).getStyle().setBackgroundColor("#F99"); } else { rf.getElement(i * 2).getStyle().clearBackgroundColor(); rf.getElement(i * 2 + 1).getStyle().clearBackgroundColor(); if ((i % 2) == 0) { rf.addStyleName(i * 2, "subg"); rf.addStyleName(i * 2 + 1, "subg"); } } pos += part.length() + 1; logs.setText(i * 2, 1, part); // level part = msg.substring(pos, msg.indexOf('\t', pos)); pos += part.length() + 1; logs.setText(i * 2, 2, part); // thread part = msg.substring(pos, msg.indexOf('\t', pos)); pos += part.length() + 1; if (part.startsWith("net.opentsdb.")) { part = part.substring(13); } else if (part.startsWith("org.hbase.")) { part = part.substring(10); } logs.setText(i * 2, 3, part); // logger logs.setText(i * 2 + 1, 0, msg.substring(pos)); // message fcf.setColSpan(i * 2 + 1, 0, 4); rf.addStyleName(i * 2, "fwf"); rf.addStyleName(i * 2 + 1, "fwf"); } } }); } private void addLabels(final StringBuilder url) { final String ylabel = this.ylabel.getText(); if (!ylabel.isEmpty()) { url.append("&ylabel=").append(URL.encodeComponent(ylabel)); } if (y2label.isEnabled()) { final String y2label = this.y2label.getText(); if (!y2label.isEmpty()) { url.append("&y2label=").append(URL.encodeComponent(y2label)); } } } private void addFormats(final StringBuilder url) { final String yformat = this.yformat.getText(); if (!yformat.isEmpty()) { url.append("&yformat=").append(URL.encodeComponent(yformat)); } if (y2format.isEnabled()) { final String y2format = this.y2format.getText(); if (!y2format.isEmpty()) { url.append("&y2format=").append(URL.encodeComponent(y2format)); } } } private void addYRanges(final StringBuilder url) { final String yrange = this.yrange.getText(); if (!yrange.isEmpty()) { url.append("&yrange=").append(yrange); } if (y2range.isEnabled()) { final String y2range = this.y2range.getText(); if (!y2range.isEmpty()) { url.append("&y2range=").append(y2range); } } } private void addLogscales(final StringBuilder url) { if (ylog.getValue()) { url.append("&ylog"); } if (y2log.isEnabled() && y2log.getValue()) { url.append("&y2log"); } } /** * Maybe sets the text of a {@link TextBox} from a query string parameter. * @param qs A parsed query string. * @param key Name of the query string parameter. * If this parameter wasn't passed, the {@link TextBox} will be emptied. * @param tb The {@link TextBox} to change. */ private static void maybeSetTextbox(final QueryString qs, final String key, final TextBox tb) { final ArrayList<String> values = qs.get(key); if (values == null) { tb.setText(""); return; } tb.setText(values.get(0)); } /** * Sets the text of a {@link TextBox} from a query string parameter. * @param qs A parsed query string. * @param key Name of the query string parameter. * @param tb The {@link TextBox} to change. */ private static void setTextbox(final QueryString qs, final String key, final TextBox tb) { final ArrayList<String> values = qs.get(key); if (values != null) { tb.setText(values.get(0)); } } private static QueryString getQueryString(final String qs) { return qs.isEmpty() ? new QueryString() : QueryString.decode(qs); } private void refreshFromQueryString() { final QueryString qs = getQueryString(History.getToken()); maybeSetTextbox(qs, "start", start_datebox.getTextBox()); maybeSetTextbox(qs, "end", end_datebox.getTextBox()); setTextbox(qs, "wxh", wxh); autoreload.setValue(qs.containsKey("autoreload"), true); maybeSetTextbox(qs, "autoreload", autoreoload_interval); final ArrayList<String> newmetrics = qs.get("m"); if (newmetrics == null) { // Clear all metric forms. final int toremove = metrics.getWidgetCount() - 1; addMetricForm("metric 1", 0); metrics.selectTab(0); for (int i = 0; i < toremove; i++) { metrics.remove(1); } return; } final int n = newmetrics.size(); // We want this many metrics. ArrayList<String> options = qs.get("o"); if (options == null) { options = new ArrayList<String>(n); } for (int i = options.size(); i < n; i++) { // Make both arrays equal size. options.add(""); // Add missing o's. } for (int i = 0; i < newmetrics.size(); ++i) { if (i == metrics.getWidgetCount() - 1) { addMetricForm("", i); } final MetricForm metric = (MetricForm) metrics.getWidget(i); metric.updateFromQueryString(newmetrics.get(i), options.get(i)); } // Remove extra metric forms. final int m = metrics.getWidgetCount() - 1; // We have this many metrics. int showing = metrics.getTabBar().getSelectedTab(); // Currently selected. for (int i = m - 1; i >= n; i--) { if (showing == i) { // If we're about to remove the currently selected, metrics.selectTab(--showing); // fix focus to not wind up nowhere. } metrics.remove(i); } updatey2range.onEvent(null); maybeSetTextbox(qs, "ylabel", ylabel); maybeSetTextbox(qs, "y2label", y2label); maybeSetTextbox(qs, "yformat", yformat); maybeSetTextbox(qs, "y2format", y2format); maybeSetTextbox(qs, "yrange", yrange); maybeSetTextbox(qs, "y2range", y2range); ylog.setValue(qs.containsKey("ylog")); y2log.setValue(qs.containsKey("y2log")); if (qs.containsKey("key")) { final String key = qs.getFirst("key"); keybox.setValue(key.contains(" box")); horizontalkey.setValue(key.contains(" horiz")); keypos = key.replaceAll(" (box|horiz\\w*)", ""); keypos_map.get(keypos).setChecked(true); } else { keybox.setValue(false); horizontalkey.setValue(false); keypos_map.get("top right").setChecked(true); keypos = ""; } nokey.setValue(qs.containsKey("nokey")); smooth.setValue(qs.containsKey("smooth")); } private void refreshGraph() { final Date start = start_datebox.getValue(); if (start == null) { graphstatus.setText("Please specify a start time."); return; } final Date end = end_datebox.getValue(); if (end != null && !autoreload.getValue()) { if (end.getTime() <= start.getTime()) { end_datebox.addStyleName("dateBoxFormatError"); graphstatus.setText("End time must be after start time!"); return; } } final StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(); url.append("/q?start=").append(FULLDATE.format(start)); if (end != null && !autoreload.getValue()) { url.append("&end=").append(FULLDATE.format(end)); } else { // If there's no end-time, the graph may change while the URL remains // the same. No browser seems to re-fetch an image once it's been // fetched, even if we destroy the DOM object and re-created it with the // same src attribute. This has nothing to do with caching headers sent // by the server. The browsers simply won't retrieve the same URL again // through JavaScript manipulations, period. So as a workaround, we add // a special parameter that the server will delete from the query. url.append("&ignore=" + nrequests++); } if (!addAllMetrics(url)) { return; } addLabels(url); addFormats(url); addYRanges(url); addLogscales(url); if (nokey.getValue()) { url.append("&nokey"); } else if (!keypos.isEmpty() || horizontalkey.getValue()) { url.append("&key="); if (!keypos.isEmpty()) { url.append(keypos); } if (horizontalkey.getValue()) { url.append(" horiz"); } if (keybox.getValue()) { url.append(" box"); } } url.append("&wxh=").append(wxh.getText()); if (smooth.getValue()) { url.append("&smooth=csplines"); } final String uri = url.toString(); if (uri.equals(lastgraphuri)) { return; // Don't re-request the same graph. } else if (pending_requests++ > 0) { return; } lastgraphuri = uri; graphstatus.setText("Loading graph..."); asyncGetJson(uri + "&json", new GotJsonCallback() { public void got(final JSONValue json) { if (autoreoload_timer != null) { autoreoload_timer.cancel(); autoreoload_timer = null; } final JSONObject result = json.isObject(); final JSONValue err = result.get("err"); String msg = ""; if (err != null) { displayError("An error occurred while generating the graph: " + err.isString().stringValue()); graphstatus.setText("Please correct the error above."); } else { clearError(); String history = uri.substring(3) // Remove "/q?". .replaceFirst("ignore=[^&]*&", ""); // Unnecessary cruft. if (autoreload.getValue()) { history += "&autoreload=" + autoreoload_interval.getText(); } if (!history.equals(History.getToken())) { History.newItem(history, false); } final JSONValue nplotted = result.get("plotted"); final JSONValue cachehit = result.get("cachehit"); if (cachehit != null) { msg += "Cache hit (" + cachehit.isString().stringValue() + "). "; } if (nplotted != null && nplotted.isNumber().doubleValue() > 0) { graph.setUrl(uri + "&png"); graph.setVisible(true); msg += result.get("points").isNumber() + " points retrieved, " + nplotted + " points plotted"; } else { graph.setVisible(false); msg += "Your query didn't return anything"; } final JSONValue timing = result.get("timing"); if (timing != null) { msg += " in " + timing + "ms."; } else { msg += '.'; } } final JSONValue info = result.get("info"); if (info != null) { if (!msg.isEmpty()) { msg += ' '; } msg += info.isString().stringValue(); } graphstatus.setText(msg); if (result.get("etags") != null) { final JSONArray etags = result.get("etags").isArray(); final int netags = etags.size(); for (int i = 0; i < netags; i++) { if (i >= metrics.getWidgetCount()) { break; } final Widget widget = metrics.getWidget(i); if (!(widget instanceof MetricForm)) { break; } final MetricForm metric = (MetricForm) widget; final JSONArray tags = etags.get(i).isArray(); final int ntags = tags.size(); for (int j = 0; j < ntags; j++) { metric.autoSuggestTag(tags.get(j).isString().stringValue()); } } } if (autoreload.getValue()) { final int reload_in = Integer.parseInt(autoreoload_interval.getValue()); if (reload_in >= 5) { autoreoload_timer = new Timer() { public void run() { // Verify that we still want auto reload and that the graph // hasn't been updated in the mean time. if (autoreload.getValue() && lastgraphuri == uri) { // Force refreshGraph to believe that we want a new graph. lastgraphuri = ""; refreshGraph(); } } }; autoreoload_timer.schedule(reload_in * 1000); } } if (--pending_requests > 0) { pending_requests = 0; refreshGraph(); } } }); } private boolean addAllMetrics(final StringBuilder url) { boolean found_metric = false; for (final Widget widget : metrics) { if (!(widget instanceof MetricForm)) { continue; } final MetricForm metric = (MetricForm) widget; found_metric |= metric.buildQueryString(url); } if (!found_metric) { graphstatus.setText("Please specify a metric."); } return found_metric; } private void asyncGetJson(final String url, final GotJsonCallback callback) { final RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, url); try { builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() { public void onError(final Request request, final Throwable e) { displayError("Failed to get " + url + ": " + e.getMessage()); // Since we don't call the callback we've been given, reset this // bit of state as we're not going to retry anything right now. pending_requests = 0; } public void onResponseReceived(final Request request, final Response response) { final int code = response.getStatusCode(); if (code == Response.SC_OK) { clearError(); callback.got(JSONParser.parse(response.getText())); return; } else if (code >= Response.SC_BAD_REQUEST) { // 400+ => Oops. // Since we don't call the callback we've been given, reset this // bit of state as we're not going to retry anything right now. pending_requests = 0; String err = response.getText(); // If the response looks like a JSON object, it probably contains // an error message. if (!err.isEmpty() && err.charAt(0) == '{') { final JSONValue json = JSONParser.parse(err); final JSONObject result = json == null ? null : json.isObject(); final JSONValue jerr = result == null ? null : result.get("err"); final JSONString serr = jerr == null ? null : jerr.isString(); err = serr.stringValue(); // If the error message has multiple lines (which is common if // it contains a stack trace), show only the first line and // hide the rest in a panel users can expand. final int newline = err.indexOf('\n', 1); final String msg = "Request failed: " + response.getStatusText(); if (newline < 0) { displayError(msg + ": " + err); } else { displayError(msg); final DisclosurePanel dp = new DisclosurePanel(err.substring(0, newline)); RootPanel.get("queryuimain").add(dp); // Attach the widget. final InlineLabel content = new InlineLabel(err.substring(newline, err.length())); content.addStyleName("fwf"); // For readable stack traces. dp.setContent(content); current_error.getElement().appendChild(dp.getElement()); } } else { displayError("Request failed while getting " + url + ": " + response.getStatusText()); // Since we don't call the callback we've been given, reset this // bit of state as we're not going to retry anything right now. pending_requests = 0; } graphstatus.setText(""); } } }); } catch (RequestException e) { displayError("Failed to get " + url + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } private void displayError(final String errmsg) { current_error.setText(errmsg); current_error.setVisible(true); } private void clearError() { current_error.setVisible(false); } static void setTextAlignCenter(final Element element) { element.getStyle().setProperty("textAlign", "center"); } /** Zoom box and associated event handlers. */ private final class ZoomBox extends HTML implements MouseUpHandler, MouseMoveHandler, MouseDownHandler { /** "Fudge factor" to account for the axes present on the image. */ private static final int OFFSET_WITH_AXIS = 45; private static final int OFFSET_WITHOUT_AXIS = 15; private boolean zoom_selection_active = false; /** Rectangle of the selection. */ private int start_x; private int end_x; private int start_y; private int end_y; private HandlerRegistration graph_move_handler; private HandlerRegistration box_move_handler; ZoomBox() { // Set ourselves up as the event handler for all mouse-draggable events. graph.addMouseDownHandler(this); graph.addMouseUpHandler(this); // Also add the handlers on the actual zoom highlight box (this is in // case the cursor gets on the zoombox, so that it keeps responding // correctly). super.addMouseUpHandler(this); final Style style = super.getElement().getStyle(); style.setProperty("background", "red"); style.setProperty("filter", "alpha(opacity=50)"); style.setProperty("opacity", "0.4"); } @Override public void onMouseDown(final MouseDownEvent event) { // Check if the zoom selection is active, if so, it's possible that the // mouse left the browser mid-selection and got stuck enabled even // though the mouse isn't still pressed. If that's the case, do a similar // operation to the onMouseUp event. if (zoom_selection_active) { endSelection(event); return; } final Element image = graph.getElement(); zoom_selection_active = true; start_x = event.getRelativeX(image); start_y = event.getRelativeY(image); end_x = 0; end_y = 0; graphbox.setWidgetPosition(this, start_x, start_y); super.setWidth("0px"); super.setHeight("0px"); super.setVisible(true); graph_move_handler = graph.addMouseMoveHandler(this); box_move_handler = super.addMouseMoveHandler(this); } @Override public void onMouseMove(final MouseMoveEvent event) { event.preventDefault(); final int x = event.getRelativeX(graph.getElement()); final int y = event.getRelativeY(graph.getElement()); int left; int top; int width; int height; // Figure out the top, left, height, and width of the box based // on current cursor location. if (x < start_x) { left = x; width = start_x - x; } else { left = start_x; width = x - start_x; } if (y < start_y) { top = y; height = start_y - y; } else { top = start_y; height = y - start_y; } // Resize / move the box as needed based on cursor location. super.setVisible(false); graphbox.setWidgetPosition(this, left, top); super.setWidth(width + "px"); super.setHeight(height + "px"); super.setVisible(true); } @Override public void onMouseUp(final MouseUpEvent event) { if (zoom_selection_active) { endSelection(event); } } /** * Perform operations for when a user completes their selection. * This involves removing the highlight box and kicking off the * zoom in operation. * @param event The event that triggered the end of the selection. */ private <H extends EventHandler> void endSelection(final MouseEvent<H> event) { zoom_selection_active = false; // Stop tracking cursor movements to improve performance. graph_move_handler.removeHandler(); graph_move_handler = null; box_move_handler.removeHandler(); box_move_handler = null; final Element image = graph.getElement(); end_x = event.getRelativeX(image); end_y = event.getRelativeY(image); // Hide the zoom box super.setVisible(false); super.setWidth("0px"); super.setHeight("0px"); // Calculate the true start/end points of the zoom area selected by // mouse. If the mouse was dragged left on the graph before being // let up, then start_x is the right-most edge of the zoomable area. // If the mouse was dragged right on the graph before being let up, // then start_x is the left-most edge of the zoomable area. if (start_x < end_x) { start_x = start_x - OFFSET_WITH_AXIS; end_x = end_x - OFFSET_WITH_AXIS; } else { final int saved_start = start_x; start_x = end_x - OFFSET_WITH_AXIS; end_x = saved_start - OFFSET_WITH_AXIS; } int actual_width = graph.getWidth() - OFFSET_WITH_AXIS; if (y2range.isEnabled()) { // If we have a second Y axis. actual_width -= OFFSET_WITH_AXIS; } else { actual_width -= OFFSET_WITHOUT_AXIS; } // Prevent division by zero if image is pathologically small. // or: Prevent changing anything if the distance the cursor traveled was // too small (as happens during a simple click or unintentional click). if (actual_width < 1 || end_x - start_x <= 5) { return; } // Total span of time represented between the start and end times. final long duration; final long start = start_datebox.getValue().getTime(); { final long end; final Date end_date = end_datebox.getValue(); if (end_date != null) { end = end_date.getTime(); } else { end = new Date().getTime(); } duration = end - start; } // Get the start and end positions of the mouse drag operation on the // image as a percentage of the image size. final long start_change = start_x * duration / actual_width; final long end_change = end_x * duration / actual_width; start_datebox.setValue(new Date(start + start_change)); end_datebox.setValue(new Date(start + end_change)); refreshGraph(); } }; private final class AdjustYRangeCheckOnClick implements ClickHandler { private final CheckBox box; private final ValidatedTextBox range; public AdjustYRangeCheckOnClick(final CheckBox box, final ValidatedTextBox range) { this.box = box; this.range = range; } public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { if (box.isEnabled() && box.getValue() && "[0:]".equals(range.getValue())) { range.setValue("[1:]"); } else if (box.isEnabled() && !box.getValue() && "[1:]".equals(range.getValue())) { range.setValue("[0:]"); } } }; /** * Ensures all the widgets in the given panel have the same size. * Otherwise by default the panel will automatically resize itself to the * contents of the currently active panel's widget, which is annoying * because it makes a number of things move around in the UI. * @param panel The panel containing the widgets to resize. */ private static void ensureSameWidgetSize(final DecoratedTabPanel panel) { if (!panel.isAttached()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("panel not attached: " + panel); } int maxw = 0; int maxh = 0; for (final Widget widget : panel) { final int w = widget.getOffsetWidth(); final int h = widget.getOffsetHeight(); if (w > maxw) { maxw = w; } if (h > maxh) { maxh = h; } } if (maxw == 0 || maxh == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxw=" + maxw + " maxh=" + maxh); } for (final Widget widget : panel) { setOffsetWidth(widget, maxw); setOffsetHeight(widget, maxh); } } /** * Properly sets the total width of a widget. * This takes into account decorations such as border, margin, and padding. */ private static void setOffsetWidth(final Widget widget, int width) { widget.setWidth(width + "px"); final int offset = widget.getOffsetWidth(); if (offset > 0) { width -= offset - width; if (width > 0) { widget.setWidth(width + "px"); } } } /** * Properly sets the total height of a widget. * This takes into account decorations such as border, margin, and padding. */ private static void setOffsetHeight(final Widget widget, int height) { widget.setHeight(height + "px"); final int offset = widget.getOffsetHeight(); if (offset > 0) { height -= offset - height; if (height > 0) { widget.setHeight(height + "px"); } } } }